FontEdit is an application that creates and edits Windows FNT files. Several embedded systems also use this program. An important feature of the sample version of this program by Microsoft is the conversion of another font to FNT font. FontEdit is almost entirely based on sample code. FNT files are font files used by Windows system that is stored within system fonts directory. It contains a generic font and may be stored with raster glyphs and vector. It is now largely replaced by TTF [TrueType Font] and OTF [OpenType Font]. It can be opened by programs such as VSoft FontEdit on Windows and FontForge on Windows, Mac and Linux. The BKW file is a FontEdit Fontset Mirror Image file that can be edited using FontEdit, an application that can edit and open HP LaserJet soft font files. It can edit and define a font file’s special characters, or create a new font file. FontEdit needs DOS to function. The font file to be edited should be in HP LaserJet bitmapped format. It does not directly edit TTF [TrueType Font], only the bitmap formats. Image Transforms is one way to edit a font. It lets you a character’s special effects such as slanting, thinning, hollowing, inverting, tilting, toggling, drop shadowing and image mirroring. Image mirroring inverts a font similar to the way it looks like in the mirror. Mirror images of a font have the file extension BKW. The BKW file may be downloaded for printing and may either be automatically given a Font ID or embedded with one. FontEdit arranges the line spacing equal to cell height so the character fits in the cell box for printing.