AdLib Visual Composer, which is developed and proudly introduced by Ad Lib, Inc., is a music composer software intended for AdLib sound card use. This digital composer contains samples of tunes available for instant listening on the game page of the program. It also consists of voice channels up to 9 and musical instrument channel such as cymbal channel, bass channel, and tom channel, which are all tools in composing musical piece that can be saved in ROL file as the main format type, but can read and play BNK files too. A Jukebox, which is a separate software, is also integrated with the composer. This is responsible in playing any music composed and successfully saved on the program. The Instrument Maker is another feature of this composer that allows the creation of voices as well as other sounds. You can also modify any voice or sound created by the Instrument Maker add-on.
Nullsoft Winamp Media Player 5.6 with AdPlug plugin
Nullsoft Winamp Media Player 5.6 with AdPlug plugin
The Nullsoft Winamp Media player 5.6 with AdPlug plug-in is a fast and flexible Windows music and video player. This media player is known to support a variety of file formats such as WAV, mp3, etc. as well as users also have the freedom to edit the skins of this media player, its visualization as well as add plug-ins like the Adplug plug-in. With the AdPlug plug-in added to Winamp media player, new additional features and capabilities are added to the player. Adplug plug in is an AdLib sound player library that can be acquired for free. This plug-in supports many formats such as IMF, AMD, RAD, MTK, HSP, MID, SCI, RAW, and a lot of other file formats. With this, Winamp 5.6 is now capable of playing music and video files with the file formats supported by the Adpug plug-in. This way, even if the files are created using AdLib or Soundblaster, they can be played using Winamp Media Player 5.6.