Du er her, fordi du har en fil, der har filtypenavnet slutter i .cdpx. Filer med filtypen .cdpx kan kun blive lanceret af visse programmer. Det er muligt, at .cdpx filer er datafiler snarere end dokumenter eller medier, hvilket betyder, at de er ikke beregnet til at blive set på alle.
hvad er en .cdpx fil?
Den ConceptDraw Project software blev udviklet som et program, der kan bruges til at skabe præsentation og referencedokumenter til organisering og styring af projektets specifikationer. Disse oplysninger gemmes i filer, der er gemt med CDPX forlængelse. Brugere af ConceptDraw projektansøgning kan også bruge dette program til at åbne og se indholdet af disse CDPX projekt output filer at redigere og ændre eller tilføje andre elementer og detaljer til indholdet af CDPX fil. XML-baserede kodning specifikationer er integreret i de data, der er lagret i disse CDPX filer. Mac-brugere, der ønsker at oprette og redigere disse CDPX filer kan installere ConceptDraw Project software og få adgang til dens andre integrerede funktioner. Brugere af computere, der kører på Microsoft Windows-baserede systemer kan også bruge ConceptDraw Project softwareversion udviklet af CS Odessa, den samme udvikler af ConceptDraw Project, Microsoft Windows. Dette program bruger også andre filer der refereres til og indskrives af ophavsmændene til disse CDPX filer til at indlæse den tilhørende indholdet af disse refererede og tilføjede filer. Indholdet af en CDPX fil kan tjene som et projekt dashboard, der viser tilhørende nøgletal vital for den tilsvarende projekt.
hvordan man åbner en .cdpx fil?
Iværksættelse af en .cdpx fil, eller enhver anden fil på din PC, ved at dobbeltklikke på det. Hvis din fil foreninger er indstillet korrekt, at det program, der er beregnet åbne din .cdpx fil vil åbne den. Det er muligt, du kan få brug for at hente eller købe den korrekte anvendelse. Det er også muligt, at du har det rigtige program på din pc, men .cdpx filer endnu ikke er forbundet med det. I dette tilfælde, når du forsøger at åbne en .cdpx fil, kan du fortælle Windows, hvilket program er det rigtige for den pågældende fil. Fra da af, åbner en .cdpx fil vil åbne den korrekte anvendelse. Klik her for at lave .cdpx filtilknytning fejl
applikationer, der åbner en .cdpx fil
ConceptDraw PROJECT for Microsoft Windows
ConceptDraw PROJECT for Microsoft Windows
The conceptDraw Project is a management solution software that helps users manage their projects. It features data visualization which helps project managers build project dahsboards, make reports and access it in one click, view multiple projects, utilize Gantt charts and view resources. These tools all helps a user in performing tasks like critical planning and management. The software constantly updated its status which are readily available for the user. The teams and stakeholeders all have current information which provide alerts for problems that needs to be addressed quickly. ConceptDraw project has available diagramming and chart functionalities in the ConceptDraw Solution Park add-ons and these tools also become available when the software is integrated with the ConceptDraw Office. When ConceptDraw Project is integrated with ConceptDraw Office, the dashboard will have more key performance indicators displayed for project methodology. ConceptDraw MindMap can help in boosting the presentation and reporting functionalities, and the ConceptDraw PRO will help in generating charts, network diagrams, work breakdown structures and others.
CS Odessa Concept Draw PROJECT is software that manages project digitally, and can build reports concerning the project and statuses of the task. The information of the project can be accessed easily by the use of hyperlinks and documents which are embedded. The user can the visualize each performance with the indicator on the screen, the recent project data can be monitor if there are changes and can perceive the performance in the limits exceeds. This software helps the planner of the project decide on what would be the right thing to do. It supports HTML, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project and Rtf. The data will be accessible with the conventional format. There are tools provided to manage projects and plans. CS Odessa ConceptDraw Runs from Mac OS X 10.6.8, Intel (1.8 GHz and higher), 1.5 GB RAM, 650MB of disk space (1.5 GB during installation), and DVD - ROM for DVD install.
CS Odessa ConceptDraw PROJECT for Microsoft Windows
CS Odessa ConceptDraw PROJECT for Microsoft Windows
A project manager software namely CS Odessa Concept Draw Project accelerates the job in visualizing and illustrating diagrams. There are drawing tools, diagramming tools, libraries and templates are available for a professional output. This software can cover the simplest form of diagram to the complex diagram. CS Odessa Concept Draw together with a unique variation of tools such as INGRE2 which can change projects between each applications. Most of the popular graphics formats can supported by this software like Microsoft Visio XML (.vdx) and PowerPoint (.ppt), SWF and Adobe PDf, .jpg, png, svg, and a bunch more. The presentation of the diagram can be quickly navigated with the Help of the hyperlinks, thus the user may access any Website or any local document. The Business Solutions of the Concept Draw Solution Park provides custom design solution for the activity or the business. This software runs in Microsoft Windows Xp , Vista And Windows 7 (32- bit and 64 bit.), 1.5 GB, 650 MB HDD, DVD- Rom for installation.
CS Odessa Concept Draw in diagram building software which allows the users to communicate, displays, and present the diagrams with dynamic impact. The user may be able to draw the simplest flowchart to the complexity of engineering schematic diagrams. The output format would be compatible with the Legacy operating system which is Microsoft Visio XML formats. The set of drawing tools are designed to have a professional output or presentation. There are templates available for the users’ convenience, a large variation of libraries. The company has its own printing and file exports. This software can deliver professional presentations of linked data by the use of Live Object Technology. For the application to run on Microsoft, Window XP, Vista, 7 (23-bit and 64-bit) should the operating system. Intel Pentium 4 1.8 GHz is the minimum processor, 1.5 GB RAM, 540 MB space on the Hard Drive, and a DVD-ROM for the installation of the software.
Vær omhyggelig med ikke at omdøbe udvidelse på .cdpx filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke ændre filtypen. Kun speciel konvertering software kan ændre en fil fra én fil til en anden.
hvad er en fil forlængelse?
En fil udvidelse er det sæt af tre eller fire tegn i slutningen af et filnavn, i dette tilfælde, .cdpx. Filtypenavne fortælle dig, hvilken type fil det er, og fortælle Windows, hvilke programmer kan åbne den. Windows ofte knytter en standard program til hver filtype, så når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når dette program er ikke længere på din pc, kan du nogle gange få en fejl, når du forsøger at åbne den tilknyttede fil.
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