在文件.tm格式是由創建誰使用TeXmacs應用TM的文件格式的用戶結構化數據的文本文檔。該TeXmacs程序是由GNU(GNU的Unix的操作系統)開發的文字處理軟件。這些TM文件的內容可以包括圖片,圖表,表格和文本佈局和格式元素。數學方程式和公式也可以被包括在與一個文件.tm擴展。該TeXmacs程序通常也稱為圖形文字編輯應用程序的替代乳膠程序。除了有對Linux系統的支持,該TeXmacs方案還具有版本的Microsoft Windows和Mac系統。基於XML的標準也被集成到這些TM文件,而且即使交互式內容可以被包括在一個TM文本文檔。導出文件TM到PS, XML ,計劃和PDF格式的文件也是可以的,這促進了更廣泛的交叉兼容性支持,進一步增強了群件協作和不同平台用戶間的文件共享。
WinTeXmacs was developed by winPenPack which aims to provide scientists with a platform which can be used for editing. It was built in order to offer its users accessibility to a tool which will allow them to edit graphics, text, interactive contents and even mathematical formulas. It also allows its users the capability to create different styles that can be used for presentation. It has the advantage of giving its users an easy installation process and only needs minimum space to work. Currently, Windows is not being supported at the moment because there is scarcity of volunteers who are using Windows platform to test the program. Its Windows version do not require the installation of TeX/LaTeX on the system to be used however, there might be a need for that in case the user would want to have more available fonts to be used.