My Notes Keeper is a free-form notes or outliner application for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; equipped with a word-processing screen with well-known icons and a file tree for data entry. This can be exported to other formats such as .txt, .wri, .rtf, .doc, and .html, and it is also completely compatible with Microsoft Office applications like Word or Excel. It enables users to store all notes and information in an easy-to-use outline, where it can quickly find whatever is needed. It is stored in the MNK format and is affixed with MNK file extension. These MNK files are normally categorized as data files that bear notes, e-mail messages, images, contact information, URLs, and other information. My Notes Keeper is a 'Swiss-army-knife' PIM program, it’s powerful yet easy to use. With this application, users able to create an own freeform database and getting organized. The Wpg Computing My Notes Keeper and My Notes Keeper Reader software can be utilized in Microsoft Windows to open and view MNK files.