Agilent PNA Code translator is a code translation software of PNA code series that is bundled with advanced features. Also termed as cXL, this translator assists users in migrating pre-existing NA programs, executing legacy commands through language parser for 8510 NA programs, 8720 NA programs, and 8753 NA programs, as well as 872x or 5x PNA products. Of course, this product is capable of translating NA language syntax of the same programs to generate COM or SCPI commands using the built-in language translation tool. Furthermore, it enables the modification of series of legacy source code with its language switch support. There is also the User Defined Commands that can be considered as an alternative to modify any cXL behaviors for a variety of specific commands. This program has debugging support included for security, while it is applicable on Windows computer, particularly Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows 98 Second Edition.