该XYWrite的Windows应用程序使用的文件的XYW扩展它的输出文件。该软件是被开发为用户提供较早的Microsoft Windows操作系统版本的,可用于创建文本文件里的XYW格式的文字处理应用程序一个字处理应用程序。由科技集团开发的,XYWriter for Windows应用程序为用户提供了文本格式选项,如多种字体类型从,字体样式和字体选择(粗体,斜体,下划线等)和段落的对齐方式(左对齐,右对齐,居中或对齐)以及其他属性的布局,用户可以落实到自己的XYW文件。该XYWriter应用程序的目的是用于Microsoft Windows 3.x和4.x的用户此外,在一个XYW文件,用户可以插入对象,如表和图表,这对于文档演示和业务材料是有用的。图像也可以被嵌入到一个XYW文件,并保存在文件中.xyw格式引用这些图像时的文档正在由用户观看。这意味着这些XYW文件,节省RAM和操作系统内存资源聚焦时,由于图像不加载对应用程序本身而是将引用。
XyWrite for Windows is a program that was written by David Erickson. The marketing of the program was done through XyQuest which was later on bought by The Technology Group. The final version that was released for Windows was 4.13. This program was written in assembly language which gives it the capability of running faster than the other word processing programs which were written in a more advanced language. It has the capability of opening up to a maximum of 9 different files which can be edited using separate windows for each of them allowing the user to perform copy and paste operation in a faster way. Included in it is a macro programming language also known as XPL which offers numerous advantages that can be used for reformatting, search and replace as well as copy-editing. Without the use of a computer mouse, the user has the capability of typing the commands in the command line directly.
XyWrite Plus is another version of the line of XyWrite programs specifically for word processing developed by XyQuest, Inc. XyWrite Plus was the last version made for DOS users. The program is a word processor as well as text editor which became known in 1980s as the program used by most businesses in both the magazine and newspaper industries as well as by most professional writers. It offers a wide variety of features to its users which include customizable menus, remappable keyboard and a built-in programming language which aids in users in performing several functions in relation to the text. It provides the capability of typographically controlling the page layout. It has the same capability as XML and HTML wherein embedded tags are being used for labelling as well as formatting and ASCII texts are being generated using the program.