一个Fontcase跳马文件包含有关在Fontcase Vault文件输入的每个字体类型不同的字体类型和其他细节清单。这些Fontcase保管库文件由Fontcase应用,设计了一组在添加,修剪和管理在Mac OS X的系统中所使用的字体类型的列表中使用的综合功能的程序创建的。这些Fontcase库中的文件与文本和二进制数据格式属性专有的波希米亚编码,该Fontcase应用程序的开发人员实现。一个Fontcase Vault文件还集成了用于存储Fontcase跳马文件的内容在VAULT格式的数据编码标准,部署的Fontcase计划,其支持的字体类型和细节名单的标准文件格式。贴有.vault延伸,一个Fontcase保管库文件的内容还可以包括关联于在Fontcase保管库文件中输入各对应的字体类型的元数据的信息,除了有关的字形数据本身的参考信息。用户开发的字体以及整个系统的字体和共享字体类型由Fontcase程序和这些Fontcase库中的文件的支持。一些储存在一个Fontcase保管库文件中的元数据的信息是包含在列表中,是否已被激活或由Fontcase用户停用一个字体类型的状态。该程序会自动加载和保存的Fontcase用户在Mac OS X系统的相应目录中输入的字体类型。
Bohemian Coding Fontcase is an application designed for font managing with a workflow that can help users to you organize and preview fonts. It handles libraries sheltering thousands of fonts and organizing fonts using Typedia integration. Fontcase has the ability to activate fonts without causing system errors and restoring plug-ins it also supports Auto-activation for third-party applications like Adobe Creative Suite and all basic Mac applications. Some of its features include, easy preview, Single or multiline previews, Preview fonts on iPad, View glyph tables easily, Merge fonts easily, Display/Body, Retina, Auto-activate, Activating font from any website anywhere, Typesetter, Vault, Typedia, Tags, Glyphs, Adobe CS supported, Follows OS X conventions, automatic management, Metadata download, has Drag-drop mechanisms and No plug-ins required. Glyph tables have the ability to survey subtle details of single glyphs and duplicate their HTML entities. The previews are directly editable and rendered.