TomeRaider is a marketable Ebook reader for browsing offline using handheld devices like Pocket PC, Palm OS or EPOC, or in a Microsoft Windows PC. Every database has unedited articles for a Wikipedia. But then all Meta data like user pages, discussions and upload info, and multimedia like sound and video were already deleted to save memory. Some images appear optionally but can add significantly on file size. Meaning handhelds need larger memory card. TomeRaider file for Wikipedia measures 3.3 GB. Most of files by TomeRaider are independent. (P)PC is a TomeRaider version designed for Pocket PC Handhelds and Windows PC; it can support CSS and HTML and render articles almost identical to online Wikipedia. Palm is another TomeRaider version for Palm with limited support for HTML. Due to this articles are displayed with standard formatting. Some complicated tables appear unorganized. TomeRaider in Palm can only read up to 2 GB.