The Haskell Platform is the programming application for open-source and commercial Haskell development that highlights the stability and interoperability of your code. The latest version includes GHC 7.4.1 [an optimizing Haskell native code compiler], GHCi 7.4.1 [interactive REPL environment and bytecode interpreter for Haskell] and The GHC runtime [a multi-core language virtual machine that provides parallel futures and sparks, fast lightweight threads, software transactional memory, parallel garbage collector, core affinity control, etc.]. The Platform provides useful developing tools such as Cabal and Cabal-install that build and distribute Haskell programs and libraries, haddock that documents for Haskell, GHCi debugger that debugs for Haskell, Happy parser generator that builds efficient parsers, Alex lexer generator, hsc2hs foreign language binding tool that binds Haskell to C libraries for work automation, GHC profiler and Haskell code coverage that generates information of code coverage and statistics for Haskell. Code coverage will determine how well your test suite functions, and which code part executes at a given time. The Haskell Platform only uses widely-used and stable libraries and tools from the pool of Haskell packages or HackageDB or simply, Hackage. Each package is formatted in Cabal. The current software release is version 2012.2.0.0. The next release will be version 2012.4.0.0.