Suitable for architects and interior architect, real estate agents and even furniture manufacturers, ArCOn is a planning and design software that uses three dimensional designs for construction projects including designs for internal and external facilities. Its designs starts from the basement up to the roof and uses rasters, lineals and auxiliary lines to plan groundplans faster. Designers can model the terrain first to fit the construction project into the appropriate environment, then they can choose from various models and designs provided for roofs, walls, windows, staircases and doors. For a more realistic touch of the design, it features calculation of light, shade, transparency and mirroring at the same time considering the position of the sun based on their design's geographical location. Architects can plan using a Spatial Presentation of the project which helps in early recognition of possible errors in the plan. Furniture designers have an option to choose from 3,000 objects and texture from various style catalogues which includes wallpapers, floor coverings and external object.