Axure RP for Microsoft Windows
Axure RP for Microsoft Windows is a software tool that makes wireframe, prototypes and application and Website specifications. It has features that instantly generates interactive prototypes, and its prototypes and specifications are interactive and annotated. It also features designs that are sketchy, users can choose handwriting fonts for mockups and users can also own design elements that are reusable such as footers, templates and headers. In generating specifications, Axure XP uses Microsoft Word format, its default generator creates
.docx files from Word 2007. Users do not necessarily need Word 2007 installed, the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack which is installed with Axure RP, lets Word 2000, Word XP, or Word 2003 open, edit, and save Word 2007 files. System requirements for a Microsoft Windows installation are, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 operating system with 1 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM, and there should be 60 MB of disk space. For specifications, Microsoft Office Word 2000, Microsoft Office Word XP, Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Word 2007, or Microsoft Office Word 2010 is used. For prototypes, users should have Internet Explorer 6.0+, Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.