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.ev3 Filutvidelse

Utvikler: HY-TEK Sports Software/Az-Tech Software
Filtype: Team Manager Meet Event File/Everlock Options File
Du er her fordi du har en fil som har en filutvidelse som slutter .ev3. Filer med filtypen .ev3 kan bare lanseres av visse applikasjoner. Det er mulig det .ev3 filer er datafiler i stedet for dokumenter eller medier, noe som betyr at de ikke er ment å bli sett i det hele tatt.

hva er en .ev3 fil?

Det er to ting som ville best beskriver .ev3 filtypen. Det ene er at det er en Teamleder Meet Hendelses File og vanligvis, filer med denne utvidelsen er filer som er opprettet av programvaren HY-TEK Teamleder, som er en programvare eller program som brukes til arrangementer som sport. Filene som vanligvis opprettet ved hjelp av programvare er databaser eller deltakerliste og all informasjon som kan brukes til å være vert for sportsbegivenheter. Alle disse filene er åpenbart .ev3 filer. To, .ev3 er filtype også beskrevet som en Everlock alternativer Filtype. Disse er innstillingsfiler i hovedsak brukt av Everlock, programvare laget av Az-tech programvare (selv om det ikke lenger støttes av selskapet i dag) rettet for beskyttelse av medie materialer som plater, etc. Programvaren kan best defineres som programvare for forvaltning av lisenser. Alle filene som brukes i Everlock programvarefunksjoner og innstillinger bruker .ev3 forlengelse.

hvordan å åpne en .ev3 fil?

Start en .ev3 fil eller annen fil på PCen, ved å dobbeltklikke på den. Hvis filforeningene dine er konfigurert riktig, er det programmet som skal åpne din .ev3 filen vil åpne den. Det er mulig at du må laste ned eller kjøpe riktig program. Det er også mulig at du har riktig program på PCen, men .ev3 filer er ikke tilknyttet det. I dette tilfellet, når du prøver å åpne en .ev3 fil, kan du fortelle Windows hvilket program som er riktig for den filen. Fra da av åpner en .ev3 filen vil åpne det riktige programmet. Klikk her for å fikse .ev3 filtilknytning feil

applikasjoner som åpner en .ev3 fil

HY-TEK Sports Team Manager

HY-TEK Sports Team Manager

Team Manager is software that was developed by HY-TEK Sports Software which was released in two versions, the Team Manager for Swimming and the Team Manager for Track & Field. Team Manager was designed in order to give its users the capability of having an automated way of tracking the team’s performance as well as the administration part. It also has the capability of allowing its users to manage its team member’s information using the Internet since it is also using a technology that is web-based. Among its several features are its capabilities of viewing as well as printing the rosters of the team which can include the attendance list together with the member’s personal information. It includes an online journal that can be used for printing and storing of schedules, notes and newsletters. Team Manager gives it users the ability to export records, best times, entries and meet results with their Team Stats using the Internet.
Az-Tech Everlock

Az-Tech Everlock

Az-Tech Everlock is a disk based copy protection software which can be used for both DOS and Windows programs. The Everlock protection scheme features a master diskette that cannot be copied by any software because it uses a specialized track format on the floppy diskette. The wrapped program that the software features has a combination of encryption and anti-debugger mechanism keeping the cracker away from the true code. Then the wrapped program decrypts itself into the memory where it performs verification if file EV?1.SYS and EV?2.SYS are present with a hidden attribute and contains authentic information.when the copy protection is based on a floppy diskette, the wrapped program also verifies if contents of the 8192 byte sector and a specialize formatted track is present. In hard drives, information from EV??.SYS files is the means for a valid authorization. A program which is the ILE0100.CHK, a zero byte length, deleted file is place in the root directory where it automatically searches all drives, which includes network drives, for valid authorization. When there is failure in validating authorization, the wrapped program will reset all modified system parameters then delete itself out of memory and will exit to DOS.
EV3 File Conversion

EV3 File Conversion

To be able to open an EV3 file or .ev3, you need to know what type of EV3 file it is. There are two types of EV3 file. One is the new or second generation format of the Meet Event File for HY-TEK Sports Software program Team Manager 5.0 for swimming or TM 5.0, a software that aims to help athletes, coaches and parents to monitor schedules, events and records of entries such as athlete registration, information and attendance, and race records. These information can be shared through distribution of printed forms using the said program or through files [such as HTML] shared through the Internet with formats such as EV3 file. Compared to its older version HYV file, the EV3 file has more parameters. The TM 5.0 requires a minimum of 500 MHZ Pentium, AMD or Celeron computer with 1 GB RAM running on Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista. The other software that uses EV3 file extension is EverKey with its Everlock Options File. It was developed by AZ-Tech although the company does not support it to this day. This program helps you to secure your Product and to manage the terms of your license by establishing specific and unique information pertaining to your Product using an Authorization Device called “Rockey” and an Authorization Check for backup and restoration that can be accessed using the “Rockey”. DOS and Windows are supported by EveryKey.
Az-Tech Everlock

Az-Tech Everlock

Az-Tech Everlock is a disk based copy protection software which can be used for both DOS and Windows programs. The Everlock protection scheme features a master diskette that cannot be copied by any software because it uses a specialized track format on the floppy diskette. The wrapped program that the software features has a combination of encryption and anti-debugger mechanism keeping the cracker away from the true code. Then the wrapped program decrypts itself into the memory where it performs verification if file EV?1.SYS and EV?2.SYS are present with a hidden attribute and contains authentic information.when the copy protection is based on a floppy diskette, the wrapped program also verifies if contents of the 8192 byte sector and a specialize formatted track is present. In hard drives, information from EV??.SYS files is the means for a valid authorization. A program which is the ILE0100.CHK, a zero byte length, deleted file is place in the root directory where it automatically searches all drives, which includes network drives, for valid authorization. When there is failure in validating authorization, the wrapped program will reset all modified system parameters then delete itself out of memory and will exit to DOS.

et ord av advarsel

Vær forsiktig så du ikke omdøper utvidelsen på .ev3 filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke endre filtypen. Kun spesialkonverteringsprogramvare kan endre en fil fra en filtype til en annen.

Hva er en filtillegg?

En filtillegg er settet med tre eller fire tegn på slutten av et filnavn; i dette tilfellet, .ev3. Filutvidelser forteller deg hvilken type fil den er, og fortell Windows hvilke programmer som kan åpne den. Windows forbinder ofte et standardprogram til hver filtillegg, slik at når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når det programmet ikke lenger er på din PC, kan du noen ganger få en feil når du prøver å åpne den tilknyttede filen.

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