Metafocus DIGIFORMS Document Designer from Metafocus AS is an all- inclusive document design tool with a user-friendly graphical interface that enables a user to design and maintain digital documents, surveys, and electronic forms. Examples of documents that can be created with this tool are application forms, reports, certificates, barcodes, questionnaires, and many other that can be created from scratch or based on an already existing format. Since the Designer is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) tool, creation of page templates is fast and easy. The Designer has the capability to create a new component library for more efficient design creation. Components are elements and object of the design that can be used repeatedly in document page templates. Changes made in the component library will automatically cause the same changes in the documents that made use of these components. This feature makes designing faster and more efficient.
Software602 602XML Form Designer or Form Filler
Software602 602XML Form Designer or Form Filler
Software602 602XML Form Designer or Form Filler is a software solution for data exchange. This application allows a user to attach any file to a form for simplified integration with existing systems and processes. Through this application, paper–based forms become interactive with the inclusion of dynamic form elements. Forms can be stored in a compressed format, using a compression algorithm that employs the open ZIP standard (ZLIB). File compression is up to five times smaller on a standard 12-page form. The 602XML form filler can be used to fill XSL-FO based XML forms offline, add an X.509 digital signature for authorization, and save forms for later compression. XML data can be transported by SOAP, local save, HTTP POST, email, or embedded in the XML form. This application supports form export to Adobe PDF and the required operating systems are Windows 98, 2000, 2003, XP and ME.