The Nokia Symbian SDK is an all-in-one S60 platform for developing applications compatible with Symbian devices. It mainly uses C++ to code an app, but needs Qt to access all Symbian APIs and combine them with Java and Internet technologies, like Runtime and Flash, to produce a mobile application that can interface with web services and still run smoothly on S60 phones. Symbian SDKs always have an emulator included to test the app's functionality without installing it in a real S60 device. Quality assurance testing is conducted using the emulator and results are measured by Performance Investigator in Symbian SDK. All other materials, such as documentation and API reference, required in applications development are included in the package except for an IDE, like the Qt SDK or Carbide.c++ that provide additional tools to developers. Plug-ins for the Nokia Symbian SDK includes Dependency Analyzer and CodeScanner.