Since November 2002, Cecilio Salmeron spent most of his spare time developing the LenMus Project, which aims to create and provide support to educational GPL software and free mobile apps meant to teach students about music theory as well as train their ears to listen closely to a musical composition and distinguish its prominent chords and notes. In particular, Phonascus is an interactive learning system that comes with pre-recorded musical scores for aural training and a built-in score editor for students learning to write a simple composition. The system follows the Leitner Method, but uses the developer's modified algorithm (LMA-2) to more accurately measure how much the student truly understood the elements of music theory. When the student correctly identifies two or more basic chords in jazz and modern ballet compositions as examples of polychords, the LMA-2 marks this test question on chords with a high score to indicate the student clearly understands the concept.