Windows MediaメタファイルのXMLのファイルは、Microsoft Windowsベースのシステムでのマルチメディアファイルにメタデータの詳細と情報を添付するために使用されているテキスト、バイナリおよびXMLベースのフォーマットの仕様に統合されています。これは、Windowsプラットフォームで実行して互換性のあるいくつかのマルチメディアプログラムを統合するためにこれらのASWファイルを使用できることを意味するXML関連したASWファイルと、各時間のマルチメディアコンテンツがこれらのWindowsアプリケーションによってアクセスされ、データを、またはテキストとバイナリコンテンツのようなメタ詳細を取得。これらのASWファイルのサポートと統合されているMicrosoft Windowsアプリケーションの例は、Windows Media PlayerやInternet Explorerのです。これらのWindows MediaメタファイルのXMLのファイルが付加され.asw延長。
Windows Media Player Playlist (WPL) is a computer file format that keeps multimedia playlists for video and audio collections. It is an owned file format utilized in Microsoft Windows Media Player versions 9 to 12. The fundamentals of WPL files are represented in XML format. These .WPL files can be accessed and utilized by the Nullsoft Winamp Media Player 5.6 application version as well as the Roxio Creator 2012 program. WPL files are also known as Windows Media Player playlist files, which are indicated by the Microsoft Windows Media Player or the other media players with support for WPL files as reference data when users open these playlist files and begin to access the content stored in it. The top-level aspect specifies that the file's elements go after the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) structure. The information contained in these WPL files are directory locations to the video files and audio content chose by the creator of the .WPL file, this enables the media player application to quickly and easily find and play the video and audio content from their directory locations.
Microsoft Internet Explorer or most commonly known as Internet Explorer was developed by Microsoft in 1995. It is a graphical web browser which is included as part of the different versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is one of the commonly used browsers of most Windows users. Since its first release in 1995, different versions have come out, the latest one being the Internet Explorer 10. It was designed in order to give its users the capability of viewing large range of web pages and at the same time be able to give its users features that can be used within the operating system that is installed on their computer which includes Microsoft Update. It uses the same accessibility framework which was also provided in computers that run Windows. It is also known as an interface being used when running FTP.