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Extension de fichier Recherche

.dbf Extension de fichier

Développeur: dBASE
Type de fichier: Database File
Vous êtes ici parce que vous avez un fichier qui a une extension de fichier se terminant par .dbf. Les fichiers avec l'extension de fichier .dbf ne peut être lancé par certaines applications. Il est possible que .dbf fichiers sont des fichiers de données plutôt que des documents ou des médias, ce qui signifie qu'ils ne sont pas destinées à être vues à tous.

ce qui est une .dbf déposer?

dBASE développé le format DBF, qui est généralement utilisé pour les fichiers de base de données mis en œuvre par le logiciel de système de gestion de base de données dBASE pour le stockage, la récupération et le référencement de données sauvegardées dans le format DBF. Ces fichiers DBF sont ajoutés avec le .dbf extension, et le contenu de ces fichiers DBF peuvent consister en des données de texte structuré avec des détails pour les valeurs des données stockées dans chaque type de données de terrain définir ou tableau. Une application de gestion de base de données xBase est un programme mis en œuvre avec le soutien de ces fichiers DBF. La popularité du format DBF a commencé sa mise en œuvre dans d'autres applications de gestion de base de données. Par exemple, le logiciel Microsoft Access 2010 peut être installé par les utilisateurs de systèmes basés sur Windows de Microsoft pour créer, ouvrir et afficher le contenu d'un fichier DBF. Les utilisateurs de Linux peuvent créer, d'ouvrir et de modifier le contenu d'un fichier DBF avec les versions développées pour les systèmes Unix. Le logiciel Planamesa NeoOffice peut d'autre part être installé et utilisé par les utilisateurs Mac pour créer, ouvrir et modifier le contenu de ces fichiers DBF.

comment ouvrir un .dbf déposer?

Lancer un .dbf fichier, ou tout autre fichier sur votre PC, en double-cliquant dessus. Si vos associations de fichiers sont correctement configurés, l'application qui est destiné à ouvrir votre .dbf fichier ouvrir. Il est possible que vous aurez besoin de télécharger ou acheter l'application correcte. Il est également possible que vous ayez la bonne application sur votre PC, mais .dbf fichiers ne sont pas encore associés. Dans ce cas, lorsque vous essayez d'ouvrir un .dbf fichier, vous pouvez indiquer à Windows dont l'application est la bonne pour ce fichier. Dès lors, l'ouverture d'un .dbf fichier s'ouvre l'application correcte. Cliquez ici pour corriger les erreurs d'association de fichiers .dbf

applications qui ouvrent une .dbf dossier



In 1980, dBase was published by Ashton-Tate for CP/M, the original developer of the software. It was the first database management system (DBMS) for microcomputer which included the query system which is database engine and the programming language which is forms engine. Some users said that dBase was an excellent interactive ad-hoc manipulation tool because one can easily manipulate, analyze, format and perform calculations while SQL have declarative operations which retrieves data sets from a relational database (RDBMS). dBase' first file format is .dbf. It is recommended by the Microsoft to save dBase file in Microsoft Works so that it can read by Microsoft Excel while its second file type is .dbt. For files with single indexes, dBase uses .ndx, and .mdx for files holding 1 to 48 indexes. The latest version of the legendary relational DBMS is dBase 2.8. while dbDOS 1.5 can quickly and easily work with dBASE III, IV, and V for Windows 32/64 bit operating system. dBase Classic also builds high powered data-driven applications that use the xBase languge and runs on lastest operating system of Microsoft when used with dbDOS.
Pervasive PSQL, dataBased Intelligence dBASE, Rosenvick AspireGold

Pervasive PSQL, dataBased Intelligence dBASE, Rosenvick AspireGold

Pervasive PSQL is an application developed by Pervasive Software wherein it is called a database management system that’s ACID-compliant. It is software mainly used to embed applications wherein different types of applications whether they are packaged software applications use this software. In cases where there is a file-based architecture that enables data partitioning, Pervasive PSQL is optimized for the deployment of software as a service. With this software, the applications have the ability to store data in the form of tables or store them in a non-schema fashion. Operating systems like Windows, , Linux and MAC can run the Pervasive PSQL software and this comes with different editions like the 32-bit and 64-bit editions. This software also comes with additional features such as support for IPv4 and ipV6, page and record compression, agents for data backup, data replication, data auditing, row-level locking, data and over-the-wire encryption, compatibility with cluster environments as well as it supports English and Japanese languages.


FoxPro, a procedural programming language and database management system created by Fox Software, has been widely used even before it was turned over to Visual FoxPro. It still enjoys a strong support from its community of programmers and users up to this day. FoxPro versions 2.0, 2.5 and 2.6 are compatible with Mac, DOS and Windows 3.1 to XP. Version 2.6 is compatible also with Linux and Free BSD, SCO Unix and Windows 2000. FoxPro 2 used Rushmore, an optimizing engine that used indices to look for matching expressions, to accelerate data updating and data retrieval. FoxPro 2 was built originally on Watcom C++ that has its own extensor making it the most up-to-date technology at that time. It could access expanded and extended memory making it able to utilize almost all available RAM [DOS]. If HIMEM.SYS is not loaded, FoxPro enabled a mechanism of using interrupts when extended memory driver is absent. File formats associated with FoxPro: ACT [FoxPro Documenting Wizard Action Diagram], APP [FoxPro Generated Application], DBC [FoxPro Database], DBF [Database File], DBF [FoxPro Table], DBG [FoxPro Debugger Configuration], DBT [Database Text File], DCT [FoxPro Database Memo], DCX[FoxPro Database Index], ERR [FoxPro Compilation Error], FKY [FoxPro Macro], FLL [FoxPro Dynamic Link Library], FMT [Foxpro Format File], FPT [FoxPro Table Memo], FRT [FoxPro Report Memo], FRX [FoxPro Report], FXP [FoxPro Compiled Program], LBT [FoxPro Labeled Memo], LBX [FoxPro Label File], LST [FoxPro Documenting Wizard List], MEM [FoxPro Variable File], MNX [FoxPro Menu], MPR [FoxPro Generated Menu Program], MPX [FoxPro Compiled Menu Program], NDX [dBASE Index File], PJX [FoxPro Project], PJT [FoxPro Project Memo], QPR [FoxPro Generated Query Program], QPX [FoxPro Compiled Query Program], VUE [FoxPro 2.x View Settings], WIN [FoxPro Window Settings], TBK [FoxPro Memo Backup], SPR [FoxPro Generated Screen File], SCT [FoxPro Form Memo] and SCX [FoxPro Form].
Planamesa NeoOffice

Planamesa NeoOffice

NeoOffice was developed by PLanamesa Software wherein it is known as an office suite for MAC OS X. It is equivalent to as well as Microsoft Office, but it is exclusively created for MAC OS X as this was conceptualized when there was still no OpenOffice suite available for MAC computers. NeoOffice also includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program, database program, graphics, and a formula program. This office suite also supports a variety of file formats for every application within the suite. For instance, the word processor also supports files created using MS Word, StarWriter, etc. as well as their spreadsheet also supports files created using MS Excel, StarCalc, etc. Neooffice has a lot of features that make users create whatever types of projects using this application easier and more enjoyable such as the NeoOffice Mobile for securely sharing NeoOffice files with other users in their computers by simply publishing a NeoOffice document to the server for NeoOffice Mobile. This allows users from different computers and mobile devices to browse and view these files securely.
dataBased Intelligence dBase

dataBased Intelligence dBase

dataBased Intelligent dBased is a software that manages databases for minicomputers. It is a query system and a forms engine as well as a programming language. The format of dBase files is .dbf. This software was originally design for Control/Program Monitor and was later ported to the Apple II and IBM PC which is under the Disk Operating System. After several years, many companies made their own products which were Foxpro and Clipper. And these new program were much better that dBase. dBase used to make and application for window such as Web applications. An IDE with and Navigator as well as a Command Window would be the feature of dBase, with a preprocessor and an interpreter machine which is virtual. dBase intelligence is also responsible for various graphical user interface such as Form Designer, Report Designer, Menu Designer ,SQl Query designer , a Project that manages upon deploying simplified dBase application, Container, and these objects under dBase can be subclasses by simply adding new properties at the runtime.

un mot d'avertissement

Veillez à ne pas renommer l'extension de .dbf fichiers ou d'autres fichiers. Cela ne changera pas le type de fichier. Seulement un logiciel de conversion spécial peut modifier un fichier d'un type de fichier à un autre.

ce qui est une extension de fichier?

Une extension de fichier est l'ensemble des trois ou quatre caractères à la fin d'un nom de fichier, dans ce cas, .dbf. Les extensions de fichier vous dire quel type de fichier il s'agit, et indiquent à Windows quels programmes peuvent ouvrir. Fenêtres associe souvent un programme par défaut pour chaque extension de fichier, de sorte que lorsque vous double-cliquez sur le fichier, le programme se lance automatiquement. Lorsque ce programme n'est plus sur votre PC, vous pouvez parfois obtenir une erreur lorsque vous essayez d'ouvrir le fichier associé.

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