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.jrprint 文件擴展名

開發商: Jaspersoft
文件類型: JasperReports Print File
你在這裡因為你有,有一個文件擴展名結尾的文件 .jrprint. 文件與文件擴展名 .jrprint 只能通過特定的應用程序推出。這有可能是 .jrprint 文件是數據文件,而不是文件或媒體,這意味著他們並不是在所有觀看。

什麼是一 .jrprint 文件?

像JASPER文件,該文件JRPRINT也與JasperReports的關聯。唯一的區別是,JASPER文件被稱為數據文件,同時JRPRINT文件被稱為打印文件。這些文件是用JASPER文件用於填充用數據從數據源來的報告。它們還含有像頭,頁面佈局,圖像,頁腳和文字報告內容。它可以以編程方式使用碧玉報告成多種格式,如PDF,CSV,TXT,HTML,XLS,RTF和轉換JRPRINT文件的XML 。 JRPRINT文件可以在Windows,Mac和Linux操作系統的JasperReports進行查看。它是由Java的,其中它結合了不同的數據來源,以及它也產生文件進行查看,打印和導出為其他類型的格式非常流行的報表引擎。除了Jasper報表,的JasperSoft iReport的也可以用來打開和查看這些JRPRINT文件。

如何打開 .jrprint 文件?

推出 .jrprint 文件,或者你的電腦上的任何其他文件,雙擊它。如果你的文件關聯的設置是否正確,這意味著應用程序來打開你的 .jrprint 文件將其打開。這是可能的,你可能需要下載或購買正確的應用程序。這也有可能是你有正確的應用程序在PC上,但 .jrprint 文件還沒有與它相關聯。在這種情況下,當您嘗試打開一個 .jrprint 文件,你可以告訴Windows的應用程序是正確的該文件。從這時起,打開 .jrprint 文件將打開正確的應用程序。 點擊這裡修復.jrprint文件關聯錯誤

打開一個應用程序 .jrprint 文件

Jaspersoft iReport

Jaspersoft iReport

JasperSoft's iReport Designer is the Open Source tool used in creating visually appealing graphics for printing financial reports on paper and rendering the charts on a webpage. Rather than simply printing a text report, users can add images and background designs or change the color scheme based on a theme. Aside from the basic pie charts and bar graphs, iReport also outputs data into scatter, bubble or time-series graphs or creates a multi-layered Gantt chart for project management. Moreover, developers may customize the reports with scripts and enhance their functions with widgets. Reports are exported into popular formats, which include PDF, HTML, DOCX, RTF, XLS, CSV, XML, Text, or OpenOffice files. The pages may be saved as PNG images, too. Lastly, users can easily drag and drop elements into the page, edit colors and shapes, and add text through an accessible tools menu.
Jaspersoft JasperReports

Jaspersoft JasperReports

JasperReports is Java-based software used as a business reporting tool. Teodor Danciu created it in 2001, but it was Panscopic, which later became JasperSoft, that further developed the software when it acquired the intellectual property rights over JasperReports in 2004. The software takes data from any source, such as MS Excel, and converts it into charts and graphs that can be manipulated and reconstructed on the fly during presentations. The reports can be exported into several formats, including PDF, HTML, RTF, ODT, TXT, CSV, XLS, and XML files. Businesses may download the software's code for modification under a GPL license before integrating it into their system. Meanwhile, companies may buy the software for an out-of-the-box installation for quicker deployment and full-fledged technical support from JasperSoft. This program simply needs an installation of JAVA JDK 1.6 or higher and a JDBC 2.1 driver to run smoothly.


要小心,不要重命名擴展 .jrprint 文件,或任何其他文件。這不會更改文件類型。只有特殊的轉換軟件可以從一個文件類型更改一個文件到另一個。


文件擴展名是一組三個或四個字符在文件名的末尾,在這種情況下, .jrprint. 文件擴展名告訴你它是什麼類型的文件,並告訴Windows哪些程序可以打開它。窗戶經常關聯一個默認程序的每個文件的擴展名,這樣,當你雙擊該文件,程序會自動啟動。當該程序不再是您的PC上,有時可以得到一個錯誤,當您試圖打開相關的文件。


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