How do I add a Tile to Start Menu Reviver?

Adding tiles to Start Menu Reviver is easy. Just drag and drop. Here are some quick tips:

  • Drag an application shortcut from your desktop onto the Start button, wait for the Start menu to appear and drop it onto an empty tile
  • Search for an application using the search box in Start Menu Reviver, wait for the application to appear on the expanded menu, drag the application and drop it onto an empty tile
  • Click the Start button, wait for the Start Menu to appear, click on any of the empty tiles with the “ + ” symbol , wait for the Add Shortcut window to appear and customize the tile to display and open the desired application

NOTE: You can also add a new Tile over an existing tile. There are a couple of options here:

  • Drag an application onto a large tile will split it in 4, keep the original tile, add the new tile, and give you 2 extra tiles.
  • Drag an application into an existing small tile will replace that tile.

You can also reset tiles to make them available to add tiles onto. Simply right click on the tile and hit reset. If you have a touchscreen, just hold your finger on the tile and the menu will appear.

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