
The “ATDISK DRIVER INTERNAL” BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error appears during the startup process for the operating system and when the system has been operational due to a faulty device driver. The error automatically shuts down the system due to an internal error or bug in a device driver that is installed on the hard disk of the computer. Other factors that can cause this BSOD error are faulty hardware and incompatibilities with the Basic Input / Output System (BIOS) settings. This BSOD error is also known as “ATDISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL” […]

PC Reviver Version Released

A new version of PC Reviver was released today. After some great feedback from users. We hope you like it!

Fixing flicker problems on a PC’s monitor

PC monitors can flicker uncontrollably sometimes. Here are some troubleshooting methods to fix this issue.

The “ATTEMPTED EXECUTE OF NOEXECUTE MEMORY” BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error appears during the initialization of the operating system when a device driver attempts to execute a program from a non-executable area of the memory. The operating system has pre-defined areas in the memory for storing data, which is the non-executable portion, and the executable area where programs are allowed to run. In this BSOD error, a faulty driver has attempted to run a program from the non-executable section of the memory, which resulted to system shutdown to maintain […]

It’s important to understand the terminology involved in screen resolution before you learn how to change it. This article does both.

The “ATTEMPTED SWITCH FROM DPC” BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error may appear during the initialization process of Windows due to an illegal operation by the DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) routine. The DPC is responsible for completing current IRPs (I/O Request Packets) and ensures that the I/O operation of the device that is next in line is started promptly. The illegal operation that cause this BSOD error can be a wait operation or an attach process that was attempted from a DPC routine. This means that a software or hardware […]

Adding a secondary monitor to an existing laptop is as easy as plugging in the correct cord, and changing a few settings in Control Panel.

Microsoft has extended security support for Windows XP until July 14 2015. Find out what this means for you.

Ever wondered why different driver update products show different results? This article outlines why.

The “ACPI BIOS ERROR” BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) error may appear during the installation of Windows XP. This error message may also appear when you resume computing after a period of hibernation. In the first instance, the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Basic Input / Output System (BIOS) being not compliant with ACPI prompts the error message. Differences between the ACPI in the operating system and in the BIOS affect the outcome of simultaneous read/write operations, and features like Plug and Play (PnP) and Power Management. In the […]

Why Windows XP is a Bad Idea

It’s just not a good idea to use Windows XP anymore. Microsoft is cutting off support in April. Learn about that and other great reasons here.

Crashes and other errors can be more than just a nuisance. They can slow your computer down, or in some cases, may even cause you to lose important information. There are some useful tools within Windows that can help you diagnose and correct these errors to help you get on with your activities in no time. The Event Viewer is one of Windows’ most vital diagnostic tools. The Viewer can display which errors occurred and help you find out why they occurred. It will also display the level of urgency, […]

Season’s Greetings

“Season’s Greetings from Everyone at ReviverSoft”As 2013 is coming to an end, we wanted to take an opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe festive season, and all the very best for 2014. For those of you who have been with us for a while now you will know that we recently celebrated our 4 year anniversary, and what an incredible journey it’s been to date. 2013 will be a particularly memorable year for us as we were not only able to release significant updates […]

One of the biggest frustrations about trying to troubleshoot any computer problems is that the cause of the offending errors are often hard to identify. Computer malfunctions and errors sometimes seem to pop up out of nowhere and with no apparent reason. One minute your computer is working perfectly fine; the next minute it’s taking forever to boot up or programs aren’t functioning smoothly. Fortunately, Microsoft Windows comes equipped with a helpful program that is little-known among many Windows users. Event Viewer logs every event that occurs on your computer […]

How to find out the cause of your BSOD

The Blue Screen of Death, or BSOD, has been a constant source of frustration for Windows users over the years. A BSOD occurs when Windows runs into a critical error. When these errors occur, Windows halts whatever it is doing, displays a screen with relevant error information, and restarts the system. Not only are these errors an annoyance, but they can lead to the loss of important data and signify a serious problem with your machine. How to find out the cause your BSOD BSODs are serious errors, and unfortunately […]

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