
The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error in a Blue Screen of Death is due to a faulty device driver, or a bad Windows service caused by an antivirus or backup application. Find out how to fix it.

The KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error within a Blue Screen of Death points to a driver failure involving a newly-installed piece of hardware. Here’s how to track down what’s causing it.

I recently had occasion to upgrade most of my desktop PC. It was running terribly. Even basic Web browsing took an eternity, never mind games, graphics applications or anything at all.

Multimedia on your Windows PC is handled by a set of interfaces called DirectX. Here’s what all that means, and how it relates to your PC and Windows 8.

Which Windows 8 version Should I Buy?

It’s important to know the differences between the three major versions of Windows 8, so you can be informed when you go to purchase it.

12 Great Reasons to Upgrade to Windows 8

We’ve got 12 good reasons why you should upgrade to Windows 8 when it goes on sale in October 2012.

Not every PC can run Windows 8. Here are some good ways to test if your PC is ready for an upgrade, or if you should stick with the operating system you have.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 introduced a new score built in to Windows, called the Windows Experience Index.

Top 5 Hidden Features in Windows 7


All You Need to Know about IPv6

It’s important to understand what IPv6 is and how it affects your PC and its Internet connection.

Recently we decided to upgrade the hard drive of one of our 2 year old Sony Vaio laptops here in the office. You won’t believe the result!

The Windows 8 Release Preview is Out!

The Windows 8 Release Preview is the last consumer-oriented preview of Windows before the October 2012 release. Here’s how to install it.

Do you need a touchscreen PC, especially with the advent of Windows 8? We run down the pluses and minuses of owning one.

So you’d like to go the Solid State Drive (SSD) route. Maybe you’ve heard that these types of drives are much faster than hard drives and are ideal for Windows and applications, while hard drives are good for movies and other large files.

It’s almost certain that the connection between your monitor and your PC is one of three types of cables: VGA, HDMI and DVI. So what’s the difference?

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