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How to Create a Secure Password

Coming up with a password that is secure these days is not easy. Quite often you need to have both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Not to mention that for best security you should have different passwords for every different account you have online. Creating these passwords can take some time. This is why in today’s video we though we would show you the easy way on how to create a secure password using our free Password Generator.

If you would like to test the security of your current password you can use our free Password Checker.

Video Transcript:

Hey guys!

Mark here from ReviverSoft.

Today, I’m going to teach you how to generate a secure password. Passwords are extremely important these days. We use them for everything from accessing your banking data to logging into your e-mail, so it’s extremely important that you use a secure password. It is quite easy just to try to use the same password for everything and make it something that you recognize because it makes it easier to log in. Most of the time, it is very important to have a very secure password. This is the reason why we have put together this useful free tool on our website, which is a random password generator.

You can get to this site by going to When you get here, you can see that we have a number of different options for configuring a new password. You can choose the password length for the amount of characters that the password is. You can choose to include letters. You can choose to include numbers. You can use special characters. You can use mixed case, so that’s upper case and lower case. You can exclude similar characters, so zeros and O’s and ones and L’s and I’s and you can choose also to generate multiple quantities of passwords as well. If you wanted to get 10 different passwords generated at once, you can do that.

We’ll go through the process of doing that right now, just to show you. I’d like to create a password that is 10 characters long. I want to include letters. I want to include numbers. I want to include special characters and use mixed case and exclude some of the characters. I want to have five different passwords, because I want to generate passwords for some online banking and some e-mails. I’m just clicking the generate passwords button. Right here, you’ll see that there’re five passwords generated. It shows you the password itself and it also spells out each individual character, so you can recognize the characters, in case you don’t understand which one is which.

It is a very simple and easy tool. I think it is very useful and very important that you make sure you are using strong passwords. If you are using another password that you are not sure is strong, then we have another tool, it’s a password checker that checks how strong your passwords are. There’s a link to that in the comments below and once again, hopefully, this is useful for you guys. If there are any other questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. We look forward to seeing you in a future video.

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