I would need a little more information to assist you properly regarding your concern. Could you please provide specific details of the problem?
If you can send screenshots or any specific messages that would make easy for me to find out the exact issue you are facing as your question is too short and doesn't provide any relevant information regarding your issue.
If you are facing issues with registration process with the licence code, please ensure that below points are not causing any problem:
If you are using the license details from a different product, you will be unable to complete the activation. All ReviverSoft products are different and require separate purchases and licenses. You need a license code for your purchased product only.
Do a check of your computer’s date and time. An incorrect date might cause the reviversoft server system to think that your license code has already expired.
Do ensure that your internet connection is working correctly and that you have checked your firewall settings. You can either temporarily disable your firewall or add an exception for the Reviversoft product.
If you have typed in the license code incorrectly, it will not work. In order to avoid this, you should copy the complete license code from your purchase confirmation email and then paste it directly into the activation window.
Ich habe Driver Reviver neu Installiert da meine Festplatte defekt war, jetzt ist der Lizenzcode nicht mehr gültig obwohl er bis 25.06-2014 gülig ist. das Programm ist nur auf einem PC instaliert. Ich bitte um eine Lösung.
I contacted Quicken help; I ran System Mechanic and cleaned up all the files. I tried contacting MS Windows, without success. So I just paid you $30 to take care of this. I really must have the Quicken installed on this computer.